Tensorflow Utils

stable_baselines.common.tf_util.conv2d(input_tensor, num_filters, name, filter_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), pad='SAME', dtype=<MagicMock id='140279546833720'>, collections=None, summary_tag=None)[source]

Creates a 2d convolutional layer for TensorFlow

  • input_tensor – (TensorFlow Tensor) The input tensor for the convolution
  • num_filters – (int) The number of filters
  • name – (str) The TensorFlow variable scope
  • filter_size – (tuple) The filter size
  • stride – (tuple) The stride of the convolution
  • pad – (str) The padding type (‘VALID’ or ‘SAME’)
  • dtype – (type) The data type for the Tensors
  • collections – (list) List of graph collections keys to add the Variable to
  • summary_tag – (str) image summary name, can be None for no image summary

(TensorFlow Tensor) 2d convolutional layer


log variable information, for debug purposes

Parameters:_vars – ([TensorFlow Tensor]) the variables
stable_baselines.common.tf_util.flatgrad(loss, var_list, clip_norm=None)[source]

calculates the gradient and flattens it

  • loss – (float) the loss value
  • var_list – ([TensorFlow Tensor]) the variables
  • clip_norm – (float) clip the gradients (disabled if None)

([TensorFlow Tensor]) flattend gradient


flatten all the dimension, except from the first one

Parameters:tensor – (TensorFlow Tensor) the input tensor
Returns:(TensorFlow Tensor) the flattened tensor
stable_baselines.common.tf_util.function(inputs, outputs, updates=None, givens=None)[source]

Take a bunch of tensorflow placeholders and expressions computed based on those placeholders and produces f(inputs) -> outputs. Function f takes values to be fed to the input’s placeholders and produces the values of the expressions in outputs. Just like a Theano function.

Input values can be passed in the same order as inputs or can be provided as kwargs based on placeholder name (passed to constructor or accessible via placeholder.op.name).

>>> x = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, (), name="x")
>>> y = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, (), name="y")
>>> z = 3 * x + 2 * y
>>> lin = function([x, y], z, givens={y: 0})
>>> with single_threaded_session():
>>>     initialize()
>>>     assert lin(2) == 6
>>>     assert lin(x=3) == 9
>>>     assert lin(2, 2) == 10
  • inputs – (TensorFlow Tensor or Object with make_feed_dict) list of input arguments
  • outputs – (TensorFlow Tensor) list of outputs or a single output to be returned from function. Returned value will also have the same shape.
  • updates – ([tf.Operation] or tf.Operation) list of update functions or single update function that will be run whenever the function is called. The return is ignored.
  • givens – (dict) the values known for the output

Return a list of all the available GPUs

Returns:([str]) the GPUs available

returns the trainable variables

Parameters:name – (str) the scope
Returns:([TensorFlow Variable])

returns the trainable variables

Parameters:name – (str) the scope
Returns:([TensorFlow Variable])
stable_baselines.common.tf_util.huber_loss(tensor, delta=1.0)[source]

Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huber_loss

  • tensor – (TensorFlow Tensor) the input value
  • delta – (float) huber loss delta value

(TensorFlow Tensor) huber loss output


wrappes a function so that it is in a TensorFlow Session

Parameters:func – (function) the function to wrap

Initialize all the uninitialized variables in the global scope.

Parameters:sess – (TensorFlow Session)

calculates the product of all the elements in a list

Parameters:tensor – ([Number]) the list of elements
Returns:(int) the product truncated

Check if a tensor has the shape of a valid image for tensorboard logging. Valid image: RGB, RGBD, GrayScale

Parameters:tensor – (np.ndarray or tf.placeholder)
stable_baselines.common.tf_util.leaky_relu(tensor, leak=0.2)[source]

Leaky ReLU http://web.stanford.edu/~awni/papers/relu_hybrid_icml2013_final.pdf

  • tensor – (float) the input value
  • leak – (float) the leaking coeficient when the function is saturated

(float) Leaky ReLU output

stable_baselines.common.tf_util.load_state(fname, sess=None, var_list=None)[source]

Load a TensorFlow saved model

  • fname – (str) the graph name
  • sess – (TensorFlow Session) the session, if None: get_default_session()
  • var_list – ([TensorFlow Tensor] or dict(str: TensorFlow Tensor)) A list of Variable/SaveableObject, or a dictionary mapping names to SaveableObject`s. If None, defaults to the list of all saveable objects.
stable_baselines.common.tf_util.make_session(num_cpu=None, make_default=False, graph=None)[source]

Returns a session that will use <num_cpu> CPU’s only

  • num_cpu – (int) number of CPUs to use for TensorFlow
  • make_default – (bool) if this should return an InteractiveSession or a normal Session
  • graph – (TensorFlow Graph) the graph of the session

(TensorFlow session)

stable_baselines.common.tf_util.normc_initializer(std=1.0, axis=0)[source]

Return a parameter initializer for TensorFlow

  • std – (float) standard deviation
  • axis – (int) the axis to normalize on



get TensorFlow Tensor’s number of elements

Parameters:tensor – (TensorFlow Tensor) the input tensor
Returns:(int) the number of elements
stable_baselines.common.tf_util.outer_scope_getter(scope, new_scope='')[source]

remove a scope layer for the getter

  • scope – (str) the layer to remove
  • new_scope – (str) optional replacement name

(function (function, str, *args, **kwargs): Tensorflow Tensor)

stable_baselines.common.tf_util.save_state(fname, sess=None, var_list=None)[source]

Save a TensorFlow model

  • fname – (str) the graph name
  • sess – (TensorFlow Session) The tf session, if None, get_default_session()
  • var_list – ([TensorFlow Tensor] or dict(str: TensorFlow Tensor)) A list of Variable/SaveableObject, or a dictionary mapping names to SaveableObject`s. If None, defaults to the list of all saveable objects.
stable_baselines.common.tf_util.single_threaded_session(make_default=False, graph=None)[source]

Returns a session which will only use a single CPU

  • make_default – (bool) if this should return an InteractiveSession or a normal Session
  • graph – (TensorFlow Graph) the graph of the session

(TensorFlow session)

stable_baselines.common.tf_util.switch(condition, then_expression, else_expression)[source]

Switches between two operations depending on a scalar value (int or bool). Note that both then_expression and else_expression should be symbolic tensors of the same shape.

  • condition – (TensorFlow Tensor) scalar tensor.
  • then_expression – (TensorFlow Operation)
  • else_expression – (TensorFlow Operation)

(TensorFlow Operation) the switch output


get TensorFlow Tensor shape

Parameters:tensor – (TensorFlow Tensor) the input tensor
Returns:([int]) the shape