
This package is in maintenance mode, please use Stable-Baselines3 (SB3) for an up-to-date version. You can find a migration guide in SB3 documentation.

Exporting models

After training an agent, you may want to deploy/use it in an other language or framework, like PyTorch or tensorflowjs. Stable Baselines does not include tools to export models to other frameworks, but this document aims to cover parts that are required for exporting along with more detailed stories from users of Stable Baselines.


In Stable Baselines, the controller is stored inside policies which convert observations into actions. Each learning algorithm (e.g. DQN, A2C, SAC) contains one or more policies, some of which are only used for training. An easy way to find the policy is to check the code for the predict function of the agent: This function should only call one policy with simple arguments.

Policies hold the necessary Tensorflow placeholders and tensors to do the inference (i.e. predict actions), so it is enough to export these policies to do inference in an another framework.


Learning algorithms also may contain other Tensorflow placeholders, that are used for training only and are not required for inference.


When using CNN policies, the observation is normalized internally (dividing by 255 to have values in [0, 1])

Export to PyTorch

A known working solution is to use get_parameters function to obtain model parameters, construct the network manually in PyTorch and assign parameters correctly.


PyTorch and Tensorflow have internal differences with e.g. 2D convolutions (see discussion linked below).

See discussion #372 for details.

Export to C++

Tensorflow, which is the backbone of Stable Baselines, is fundamentally a C/C++ library despite being most commonly accessed through the Python frontend layer. This design choice means that the models created at Python level should generally be fully compliant with the respective C++ version of Tensorflow.


It is advisable not to mix-and-match different versions of Tensorflow libraries, particularly in terms of the state. Moving computational graphs is generally more forgiving. As a matter of fact, mentioned below PPO_CPP project uses graphs generated with Python Tensorflow 1.x in C++ Tensorflow 2 version.

Stable Baselines comes very handily when hoping to migrate a computational graph and/or a state (weights) as the existing algorithms define most of the necessary computations for you so you don’t need to recreate the core of the algorithms again. This is exactly the idea that has been used in the PPO_CPP project, which executes the training at the C++ level for the sake of computational efficiency. The graphs are exported from Stable Baselines’ PPO2 implementation through tf.train.export_meta_graph function. Alternatively, and perhaps more commonly, you could use the C++ layer only for inference. That could be useful as a deployment step of server backends or optimization for more limited devices.


As a word of caution, C++-level APIs are more imperative than their Python counterparts or more plainly speaking: cruder. This is particularly apparent in Tensorflow 2.0 where the declarativeness of Autograph exists only at Python level. The C++ counterpart still operates on Session objects’ use, which are known from earlier versions of Tensorflow. In our use case, availability of graphs utilized by Session depends on the use of tf.function decorators. However, as of November 2019, Stable Baselines still uses Tensorflow 1.x in the main version which is slightly easier to use in the context of the C++ portability.

Export to tensorflowjs / tfjs

Can be done via Tensorflow’s simple_save function and tensorflowjs_converter.

See discussion #474 for details.

Export to Java

Can be done via Tensorflow’s simple_save function.

See this discussion for details.

Manual export

You can also manually export required parameters (weights) and construct the network in your desired framework, as done with the PyTorch example above.

You can access parameters of the model via agents’ get_parameters function. If you use default policies, you can find the architecture of the networks in source for policies. Otherwise, for DQN/SAC/DDPG or TD3 you need to check the policies.py file located in their respective folders.