Source code for stable_baselines.gail.dataset.record_expert

import os
import warnings

import cv2
import numpy as np
from gym import spaces

from stable_baselines.common.base_class import BaseRLModel
from stable_baselines.common.vec_env import VecEnv, VecFrameStack
from stable_baselines.common.base_class import _UnvecWrapper

[docs]def generate_expert_traj(model, save_path=None, env=None, n_timesteps=0, n_episodes=100, image_folder='recorded_images'): """ Train expert controller (if needed) and record expert trajectories. .. note:: only Box and Discrete spaces are supported for now. :param model: (RL model or callable) The expert model, if it needs to be trained, then you need to pass ``n_timesteps > 0``. :param save_path: (str) Path without the extension where the expert dataset will be saved (ex: 'expert_cartpole' -> creates 'expert_cartpole.npz'). If not specified, it will not save, and just return the generated expert trajectories. This parameter must be specified for image-based environments. :param env: (gym.Env) The environment, if not defined then it tries to use the model environment. :param n_timesteps: (int) Number of training timesteps :param n_episodes: (int) Number of trajectories (episodes) to record :param image_folder: (str) When using images, folder that will be used to record images. :return: (dict) the generated expert trajectories. """ # Retrieve the environment using the RL model if env is None and isinstance(model, BaseRLModel): env = model.get_env() assert env is not None, "You must set the env in the model or pass it to the function." is_vec_env = False if isinstance(env, VecEnv) and not isinstance(env, _UnvecWrapper): is_vec_env = True if env.num_envs > 1: warnings.warn("You are using multiple envs, only the data from the first one will be recorded.") # Sanity check assert (isinstance(env.observation_space, spaces.Box) or isinstance(env.observation_space, spaces.Discrete)), "Observation space type not supported" assert (isinstance(env.action_space, spaces.Box) or isinstance(env.action_space, spaces.Discrete)), "Action space type not supported" # Check if we need to record images obs_space = env.observation_space record_images = len(obs_space.shape) == 3 and obs_space.shape[-1] in [1, 3, 4] \ and obs_space.dtype == np.uint8 if record_images and save_path is None: warnings.warn("Observations are images but no save path was specified, so will save in numpy archive; " "this can lead to higher memory usage.") record_images = False if not record_images and len(obs_space.shape) == 3 and obs_space.dtype == np.uint8: warnings.warn("The observations looks like images (shape = {}) " "but the number of channel > 4, so it will be saved in the numpy archive " "which can lead to high memory usage".format(obs_space.shape)) image_ext = 'jpg' if record_images: # We save images as jpg or png, that have only 3/4 color channels if isinstance(env, VecFrameStack) and env.n_stack == 4: # assert env.n_stack < 5, "The current data recorder does no support"\ # "VecFrameStack with n_stack > 4" image_ext = 'png' folder_path = os.path.dirname(save_path) image_folder = os.path.join(folder_path, image_folder) os.makedirs(image_folder, exist_ok=True) print("=" * 10) print("Images will be recorded to {}/".format(image_folder)) print("Image shape: {}".format(obs_space.shape)) print("=" * 10) if n_timesteps > 0 and isinstance(model, BaseRLModel): model.learn(n_timesteps) actions = [] observations = [] rewards = [] episode_returns = np.zeros((n_episodes,)) episode_starts = [] ep_idx = 0 obs = env.reset() episode_starts.append(True) reward_sum = 0.0 idx = 0 # state and mask for recurrent policies state, mask = None, None if is_vec_env: mask = [True for _ in range(env.num_envs)] while ep_idx < n_episodes: if record_images: image_path = os.path.join(image_folder, "{}.{}".format(idx, image_ext)) obs_ = obs[0] if is_vec_env else obs # Convert from RGB to BGR # which is the format OpenCV expect if obs_.shape[-1] == 3: obs_ = cv2.cvtColor(obs_, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) cv2.imwrite(image_path, obs_) observations.append(image_path) else: observations.append(obs) if isinstance(model, BaseRLModel): action, state = model.predict(obs, state=state, mask=mask) else: action = model(obs) obs, reward, done, _ = env.step(action) # Use only first env if is_vec_env: mask = [done[0] for _ in range(env.num_envs)] action = np.array([action[0]]) reward = np.array([reward[0]]) done = np.array([done[0]]) actions.append(action) rewards.append(reward) episode_starts.append(done) reward_sum += reward idx += 1 if done: if not is_vec_env: obs = env.reset() # Reset the state in case of a recurrent policy state = None episode_returns[ep_idx] = reward_sum reward_sum = 0.0 ep_idx += 1 if isinstance(env.observation_space, spaces.Box) and not record_images: observations = np.concatenate(observations).reshape((-1,) + env.observation_space.shape) elif isinstance(env.observation_space, spaces.Discrete): observations = np.array(observations).reshape((-1, 1)) elif record_images: observations = np.array(observations) if isinstance(env.action_space, spaces.Box): actions = np.concatenate(actions).reshape((-1,) + env.action_space.shape) elif isinstance(env.action_space, spaces.Discrete): actions = np.array(actions).reshape((-1, 1)) rewards = np.array(rewards) episode_starts = np.array(episode_starts[:-1]) assert len(observations) == len(actions) numpy_dict = { 'actions': actions, 'obs': observations, 'rewards': rewards, 'episode_returns': episode_returns, 'episode_starts': episode_starts } for key, val in numpy_dict.items(): print(key, val.shape) if save_path is not None: np.savez(save_path, **numpy_dict) env.close() return numpy_dict