Source code for stable_baselines.acer.acer_simple

import time

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from gym.spaces import Discrete, Box

from stable_baselines import logger
from stable_baselines.a2c.utils import batch_to_seq, seq_to_batch, Scheduler, EpisodeStats, \
    get_by_index, check_shape, avg_norm, gradient_add, q_explained_variance, total_episode_reward_logger
from stable_baselines.acer.buffer import Buffer
from stable_baselines.common import ActorCriticRLModel, tf_util, SetVerbosity, TensorboardWriter
from stable_baselines.common.runners import AbstractEnvRunner
from stable_baselines.common.policies import ActorCriticPolicy, RecurrentActorCriticPolicy

def strip(var, n_envs, n_steps, flat=False):
    Removes the last step in the batch

    :param var: (TensorFlow Tensor) The input Tensor
    :param n_envs: (int) The number of environments
    :param n_steps: (int) The number of steps to run for each environment
    :param flat: (bool) If the input Tensor is flat
    :return: (TensorFlow Tensor) the input tensor, without the last step in the batch
    out_vars = batch_to_seq(var, n_envs, n_steps + 1, flat)
    return seq_to_batch(out_vars[:-1], flat)

def q_retrace(rewards, dones, q_i, values, rho_i, n_envs, n_steps, gamma):
    Calculates the target Q-retrace

    :param rewards: ([TensorFlow Tensor]) The rewards
    :param dones: ([TensorFlow Tensor])
    :param q_i: ([TensorFlow Tensor]) The Q values for actions taken
    :param values: ([TensorFlow Tensor]) The output of the value functions
    :param rho_i: ([TensorFlow Tensor]) The importance weight for each action
    :param n_envs: (int) The number of environments
    :param n_steps: (int) The number of steps to run for each environment
    :param gamma: (float) The discount value
    :return: ([TensorFlow Tensor]) the target Q-retrace
    rho_bar = batch_to_seq(tf.minimum(1.0, rho_i), n_envs, n_steps, True)  # list of len steps, shape [n_envs]
    reward_seq = batch_to_seq(rewards, n_envs, n_steps, True)  # list of len steps, shape [n_envs]
    done_seq = batch_to_seq(dones, n_envs, n_steps, True)  # list of len steps, shape [n_envs]
    q_is = batch_to_seq(q_i, n_envs, n_steps, True)
    value_sequence = batch_to_seq(values, n_envs, n_steps + 1, True)
    final_value = value_sequence[-1]
    qret = final_value
    qrets = []
    for i in range(n_steps - 1, -1, -1):
        check_shape([qret, done_seq[i], reward_seq[i], rho_bar[i], q_is[i], value_sequence[i]], [[n_envs]] * 6)
        qret = reward_seq[i] + gamma * qret * (1.0 - done_seq[i])
        qret = (rho_bar[i] * (qret - q_is[i])) + value_sequence[i]
    qrets = qrets[::-1]
    qret = seq_to_batch(qrets, flat=True)
    return qret

[docs]class ACER(ActorCriticRLModel): """ The ACER (Actor-Critic with Experience Replay) model class, :param policy: (ActorCriticPolicy or str) The policy model to use (MlpPolicy, CnnPolicy, CnnLstmPolicy, ...) :param env: (Gym environment or str) The environment to learn from (if registered in Gym, can be str) :param gamma: (float) The discount value :param n_steps: (int) The number of steps to run for each environment per update (i.e. batch size is n_steps * n_env where n_env is number of environment copies running in parallel) :param num_procs: (int) The number of threads for TensorFlow operations :param q_coef: (float) The weight for the loss on the Q value :param ent_coef: (float) The weight for the entropic loss :param max_grad_norm: (float) The clipping value for the maximum gradient :param learning_rate: (float) The initial learning rate for the RMS prop optimizer :param lr_schedule: (str) The type of scheduler for the learning rate update ('linear', 'constant', 'double_linear_con', 'middle_drop' or 'double_middle_drop') :param rprop_epsilon: (float) RMSProp epsilon (stabilizes square root computation in denominator of RMSProp update) (default: 1e-5) :param rprop_alpha: (float) RMSProp decay parameter (default: 0.99) :param buffer_size: (int) The buffer size in number of steps :param replay_ratio: (float) The number of replay learning per on policy learning on average, using a poisson distribution :param replay_start: (int) The minimum number of steps in the buffer, before learning replay :param correction_term: (float) Importance weight clipping factor (default: 10) :param trust_region: (bool) Whether or not algorithms estimates the gradient KL divergence between the old and updated policy and uses it to determine step size (default: True) :param alpha: (float) The decay rate for the Exponential moving average of the parameters :param delta: (float) max KL divergence between the old policy and updated policy (default: 1) :param verbose: (int) the verbosity level: 0 none, 1 training information, 2 tensorflow debug :param tensorboard_log: (str) the log location for tensorboard (if None, no logging) :param _init_setup_model: (bool) Whether or not to build the network at the creation of the instance :param policy_kwargs: (dict) additional arguments to be passed to the policy on creation :param full_tensorboard_log: (bool) enable additional logging when using tensorboard WARNING: this logging can take a lot of space quickly """ def __init__(self, policy, env, gamma=0.99, n_steps=20, num_procs=1, q_coef=0.5, ent_coef=0.01, max_grad_norm=10, learning_rate=7e-4, lr_schedule='linear', rprop_alpha=0.99, rprop_epsilon=1e-5, buffer_size=5000, replay_ratio=4, replay_start=1000, correction_term=10.0, trust_region=True, alpha=0.99, delta=1, verbose=0, tensorboard_log=None, _init_setup_model=True, policy_kwargs=None, full_tensorboard_log=False): super(ACER, self).__init__(policy=policy, env=env, verbose=verbose, requires_vec_env=True, _init_setup_model=_init_setup_model, policy_kwargs=policy_kwargs) self.n_steps = n_steps self.replay_ratio = replay_ratio self.buffer_size = buffer_size self.replay_start = replay_start self.gamma = gamma self.alpha = alpha self.correction_term = correction_term self.q_coef = q_coef self.ent_coef = ent_coef self.trust_region = trust_region = delta self.max_grad_norm = max_grad_norm self.rprop_alpha = rprop_alpha self.rprop_epsilon = rprop_epsilon self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.lr_schedule = lr_schedule self.num_procs = num_procs self.tensorboard_log = tensorboard_log self.full_tensorboard_log = full_tensorboard_log self.graph = None self.sess = None self.action_ph = None self.done_ph = None self.reward_ph = None self.mu_ph = None self.learning_rate_ph = None self.params = None self.polyak_model = None self.learning_rate_schedule = None self.run_ops = None self.names_ops = None self.train_model = None self.step_model = None self.step = None self.proba_step = None self.initial_state = None self.n_act = None self.n_batch = None self.summary = None self.episode_reward = None if _init_setup_model: self.setup_model() def _get_pretrain_placeholders(self): policy = self.step_model action_ph = policy.pdtype.sample_placeholder([None]) if isinstance(self.action_space, Discrete): return policy.obs_ph, action_ph, policy.policy raise NotImplementedError('Only discrete actions are supported for ACER for now')
[docs] def set_env(self, env): if env is not None: assert self.n_envs == env.num_envs, \ "Error: the environment passed must have the same number of environments as the model was trained on." \ "This is due to ACER not being capable of changing the number of environments." super().set_env(env)
[docs] def setup_model(self): with SetVerbosity(self.verbose): assert issubclass(self.policy, ActorCriticPolicy), "Error: the input policy for the ACER model must be " \ "an instance of common.policies.ActorCriticPolicy." if isinstance(self.action_space, Discrete): self.n_act = self.action_space.n continuous = False elif isinstance(self.action_space, Box): # self.n_act = self.action_space.shape[-1] # continuous = True raise NotImplementedError("WIP: Acer does not support Continuous actions yet.") else: raise ValueError("Error: ACER does not work with {} actions space.".format(self.action_space)) self.n_batch = self.n_envs * self.n_steps self.graph = tf.Graph() with self.graph.as_default(): self.sess = tf_util.make_session(num_cpu=self.num_procs, graph=self.graph) n_batch_step = None if issubclass(self.policy, RecurrentActorCriticPolicy): n_batch_step = self.n_envs n_batch_train = self.n_envs * (self.n_steps + 1) step_model = self.policy(self.sess, self.observation_space, self.action_space, self.n_envs, 1, n_batch_step, reuse=False, **self.policy_kwargs) self.params = tf_util.get_trainable_vars("model") with tf.variable_scope("train_model", reuse=True, custom_getter=tf_util.outer_scope_getter("train_model")): train_model = self.policy(self.sess, self.observation_space, self.action_space, self.n_envs, self.n_steps + 1, n_batch_train, reuse=True, **self.policy_kwargs) with tf.variable_scope("moving_average"): # create averaged model ema = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage(self.alpha) ema_apply_op = ema.apply(self.params) def custom_getter(getter, name, *args, **kwargs): name = name.replace("polyak_model/", "") val = ema.average(getter(name, *args, **kwargs)) return val with tf.variable_scope("polyak_model", reuse=True, custom_getter=custom_getter): self.polyak_model = polyak_model = self.policy(self.sess, self.observation_space, self.action_space, self.n_envs, self.n_steps + 1, self.n_envs * (self.n_steps + 1), reuse=True, **self.policy_kwargs) with tf.variable_scope("loss", reuse=False): self.done_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [self.n_batch]) # dones self.reward_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [self.n_batch]) # rewards, not returns self.mu_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [self.n_batch, self.n_act]) # mu's self.action_ph = train_model.pdtype.sample_placeholder([self.n_batch]) self.learning_rate_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, []) eps = 1e-6 # Notation: (var) = batch variable, (var)s = sequence variable, # (var)_i = variable index by action at step i # shape is [n_envs * (n_steps + 1)] if continuous: value = train_model.value_flat else: value = tf.reduce_sum(train_model.policy_proba * train_model.q_value, axis=-1) rho, rho_i_ = None, None if continuous: action_ = strip(train_model.proba_distribution.sample(), self.n_envs, self.n_steps) distribution_f = tf.contrib.distributions.MultivariateNormalDiag( loc=strip(train_model.proba_distribution.mean, self.n_envs, self.n_steps), scale_diag=strip(train_model.proba_distribution.logstd, self.n_envs, self.n_steps)) f_polyak = tf.contrib.distributions.MultivariateNormalDiag( loc=strip(polyak_model.proba_distribution.mean, self.n_envs, self.n_steps), scale_diag=strip(polyak_model.proba_distribution.logstd, self.n_envs, self.n_steps)) f_i = distribution_f.prob(self.action_ph) f_i_ = distribution_f.prob(action_) f_polyak_i = f_polyak.prob(self.action_ph) phi_i = strip(train_model.proba_distribution.mean, self.n_envs, self.n_steps) q_value = strip(train_model.value_fn, self.n_envs, self.n_steps) q_i = q_value[:, 0] rho_i = tf.reshape(f_i, [-1, 1]) / (self.mu_ph + eps) rho_i_ = tf.reshape(f_i_, [-1, 1]) / (self.mu_ph + eps) qret = q_retrace(self.reward_ph, self.done_ph, q_i, value, tf.pow(rho_i, 1/self.n_act), self.n_envs, self.n_steps, self.gamma) else: # strip off last step # f is a distribution, chosen to be Gaussian distributions # with fixed diagonal covariance and mean \phi(x) # in the paper distribution_f, f_polyak, q_value = \ map(lambda variables: strip(variables, self.n_envs, self.n_steps), [train_model.policy_proba, polyak_model.policy_proba, train_model.q_value]) # Get pi and q values for actions taken f_i = get_by_index(distribution_f, self.action_ph) f_i_ = distribution_f phi_i = distribution_f f_polyak_i = f_polyak q_i = get_by_index(q_value, self.action_ph) # Compute ratios for importance truncation rho = distribution_f / (self.mu_ph + eps) rho_i = get_by_index(rho, self.action_ph) # Calculate Q_retrace targets qret = q_retrace(self.reward_ph, self.done_ph, q_i, value, rho_i, self.n_envs, self.n_steps, self.gamma) # Calculate losses # Entropy entropy = tf.reduce_sum(train_model.proba_distribution.entropy()) # Policy Gradient loss, with truncated importance sampling & bias correction value = strip(value, self.n_envs, self.n_steps, True) # check_shape([qret, value, rho_i, f_i], [[self.n_envs * self.n_steps]] * 4) # check_shape([rho, distribution_f, q_value], [[self.n_envs * self.n_steps, self.n_act]] * 2) # Truncated importance sampling adv = qret - value log_f = tf.log(f_i + eps) # [n_envs * n_steps] gain_f = log_f * tf.stop_gradient(adv * tf.minimum(self.correction_term, rho_i)) loss_f = -tf.reduce_mean(gain_f) # Bias correction for the truncation adv_bc = (q_value - tf.reshape(value, [self.n_envs * self.n_steps, 1])) # [n_envs * n_steps, n_act] # check_shape([adv_bc, log_f_bc], [[self.n_envs * self.n_steps, self.n_act]] * 2) if continuous: gain_bc = tf.stop_gradient(adv_bc * tf.nn.relu(1.0 - (self.correction_term / (rho_i_ + eps))) * f_i_) else: log_f_bc = tf.log(f_i_ + eps) # / (f_old + eps) gain_bc = tf.reduce_sum(log_f_bc * tf.stop_gradient( adv_bc * tf.nn.relu(1.0 - (self.correction_term / (rho + eps))) * f_i_), axis=1) # IMP: This is sum, as expectation wrt f loss_bc = -tf.reduce_mean(gain_bc) loss_policy = loss_f + loss_bc # Value/Q function loss, and explained variance check_shape([qret, q_i], [[self.n_envs * self.n_steps]] * 2) explained_variance = q_explained_variance(tf.reshape(q_i, [self.n_envs, self.n_steps]), tf.reshape(qret, [self.n_envs, self.n_steps])) loss_q = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(tf.stop_gradient(qret) - q_i) * 0.5) # Net loss check_shape([loss_policy, loss_q, entropy], [[]] * 3) loss = loss_policy + self.q_coef * loss_q - self.ent_coef * entropy tf.summary.scalar('entropy_loss', entropy) tf.summary.scalar('policy_gradient_loss', loss_policy) tf.summary.scalar('value_function_loss', loss_q) tf.summary.scalar('loss', loss) norm_grads_q, norm_grads_policy, avg_norm_grads_f = None, None, None avg_norm_k, avg_norm_g, avg_norm_k_dot_g, avg_norm_adj = None, None, None, None if self.trust_region: # [n_envs * n_steps, n_act] grad = tf.gradients(- (loss_policy - self.ent_coef * entropy) * self.n_steps * self.n_envs, phi_i) # [n_envs * n_steps, n_act] # Directly computed gradient of KL divergence wrt f kl_grad = - f_polyak_i / (f_i_ + eps) k_dot_g = tf.reduce_sum(kl_grad * grad, axis=-1) adj = tf.maximum(0.0, (tf.reduce_sum(kl_grad * grad, axis=-1) - / ( tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(kl_grad), axis=-1) + eps)) # [n_envs * n_steps] # Calculate stats (before doing adjustment) for logging. avg_norm_k = avg_norm(kl_grad) avg_norm_g = avg_norm(grad) avg_norm_k_dot_g = tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(k_dot_g)) avg_norm_adj = tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(adj)) grad = grad - tf.reshape(adj, [self.n_envs * self.n_steps, 1]) * kl_grad # These are turst region adjusted gradients wrt f ie statistics of policy pi grads_f = -grad / (self.n_envs * self.n_steps) grads_policy = tf.gradients(f_i_, self.params, grads_f) grads_q = tf.gradients(loss_q * self.q_coef, self.params) grads = [gradient_add(g1, g2, param, verbose=self.verbose) for (g1, g2, param) in zip(grads_policy, grads_q, self.params)] avg_norm_grads_f = avg_norm(grads_f) * (self.n_steps * self.n_envs) norm_grads_q = tf.global_norm(grads_q) norm_grads_policy = tf.global_norm(grads_policy) else: grads = tf.gradients(loss, self.params) norm_grads = None if self.max_grad_norm is not None: grads, norm_grads = tf.clip_by_global_norm(grads, self.max_grad_norm) grads = list(zip(grads, self.params)) with tf.variable_scope("input_info", reuse=False): tf.summary.scalar('rewards', tf.reduce_mean(self.reward_ph)) tf.summary.scalar('learning_rate', tf.reduce_mean(self.learning_rate)) tf.summary.scalar('advantage', tf.reduce_mean(adv)) tf.summary.scalar('action_probabilty', tf.reduce_mean(self.mu_ph)) if self.full_tensorboard_log: tf.summary.histogram('rewards', self.reward_ph) tf.summary.histogram('learning_rate', self.learning_rate) tf.summary.histogram('advantage', adv) tf.summary.histogram('action_probabilty', self.mu_ph) if tf_util.is_image(self.observation_space): tf.summary.image('observation', train_model.obs_ph) else: tf.summary.histogram('observation', train_model.obs_ph) trainer = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(learning_rate=self.learning_rate_ph, decay=self.rprop_alpha, epsilon=self.rprop_epsilon) _opt_op = trainer.apply_gradients(grads) # so when you call _train, you first do the gradient step, then you apply ema with tf.control_dependencies([_opt_op]): _train = # Ops/Summaries to run, and their names for logging assert norm_grads is not None run_ops = [_train, loss, loss_q, entropy, loss_policy, loss_f, loss_bc, explained_variance, norm_grads] names_ops = ['loss', 'loss_q', 'entropy', 'loss_policy', 'loss_f', 'loss_bc', 'explained_variance', 'norm_grads'] if self.trust_region: self.run_ops = run_ops + [norm_grads_q, norm_grads_policy, avg_norm_grads_f, avg_norm_k, avg_norm_g, avg_norm_k_dot_g, avg_norm_adj] self.names_ops = names_ops + ['norm_grads_q', 'norm_grads_policy', 'avg_norm_grads_f', 'avg_norm_k', 'avg_norm_g', 'avg_norm_k_dot_g', 'avg_norm_adj'] self.train_model = train_model self.step_model = step_model self.step = step_model.step self.proba_step = step_model.proba_step self.initial_state = step_model.initial_state tf.global_variables_initializer().run(session=self.sess) self.summary = tf.summary.merge_all()
def _train_step(self, obs, actions, rewards, dones, mus, states, masks, steps, writer=None): """ applies a training step to the model :param obs: ([float]) The input observations :param actions: ([float]) The actions taken :param rewards: ([float]) The rewards from the environment :param dones: ([bool]) Whether or not the episode is over (aligned with reward, used for reward calculation) :param mus: ([float]) The logits values :param states: ([float]) The states (used for recurrent policies) :param masks: ([bool]) Whether or not the episode is over (used for recurrent policies) :param steps: (int) the number of steps done so far (can be None) :param writer: (TensorFlow Summary.writer) the writer for tensorboard :return: ([str], [float]) the list of update operation name, and the list of the results of the operations """ cur_lr = self.learning_rate_schedule.value_steps(steps) td_map = {self.train_model.obs_ph: obs, self.polyak_model.obs_ph: obs, self.action_ph: actions, self.reward_ph: rewards, self.done_ph: dones, self.mu_ph: mus, self.learning_rate_ph: cur_lr} if states is not None: td_map[self.train_model.states_ph] = states td_map[self.train_model.dones_ph] = masks td_map[self.polyak_model.states_ph] = states td_map[self.polyak_model.dones_ph] = masks if writer is not None: # run loss backprop with summary, but once every 10 runs save the metadata (memory, compute time, ...) if self.full_tensorboard_log and (1 + (steps / self.n_batch)) % 10 == 0: run_options = tf.RunOptions(trace_level=tf.RunOptions.FULL_TRACE) run_metadata = tf.RunMetadata() step_return =[self.summary] + self.run_ops, td_map, options=run_options, run_metadata=run_metadata) writer.add_run_metadata(run_metadata, 'step%d' % steps) else: step_return =[self.summary] + self.run_ops, td_map) writer.add_summary(step_return[0], steps) step_return = step_return[1:] else: step_return =, td_map) return self.names_ops, step_return[1:] # strip off _train
[docs] def learn(self, total_timesteps, callback=None, seed=None, log_interval=100, tb_log_name="ACER", reset_num_timesteps=True): new_tb_log = self._init_num_timesteps(reset_num_timesteps) with SetVerbosity(self.verbose), TensorboardWriter(self.graph, self.tensorboard_log, tb_log_name, new_tb_log) \ as writer: self._setup_learn(seed) self.learning_rate_schedule = Scheduler(initial_value=self.learning_rate, n_values=total_timesteps, schedule=self.lr_schedule) episode_stats = EpisodeStats(self.n_steps, self.n_envs) runner = _Runner(env=self.env, model=self, n_steps=self.n_steps) self.episode_reward = np.zeros((self.n_envs,)) if self.replay_ratio > 0: buffer = Buffer(env=self.env, n_steps=self.n_steps, size=self.buffer_size) else: buffer = None t_start = time.time() # n_batch samples, 1 on_policy call and multiple off-policy calls for steps in range(0, total_timesteps, self.n_batch): enc_obs, obs, actions, rewards, mus, dones, masks = episode_stats.feed(rewards, dones) if buffer is not None: buffer.put(enc_obs, actions, rewards, mus, dones, masks) if writer is not None: self.episode_reward = total_episode_reward_logger(self.episode_reward, rewards.reshape((self.n_envs, self.n_steps)), dones.reshape((self.n_envs, self.n_steps)), writer, self.num_timesteps) # reshape stuff correctly obs = obs.reshape(runner.batch_ob_shape) actions = actions.reshape([runner.n_batch]) rewards = rewards.reshape([runner.n_batch]) mus = mus.reshape([runner.n_batch, runner.n_act]) dones = dones.reshape([runner.n_batch]) masks = masks.reshape([runner.batch_ob_shape[0]]) names_ops, values_ops = self._train_step(obs, actions, rewards, dones, mus, self.initial_state, masks, self.num_timesteps, writer) if callback is not None: # Only stop training if return value is False, not when it is None. This is for backwards # compatibility with callbacks that have no return statement. if callback(locals(), globals()) is False: break if self.verbose >= 1 and (int(steps / runner.n_batch) % log_interval == 0): logger.record_tabular("total_timesteps", self.num_timesteps) logger.record_tabular("fps", int(steps / (time.time() - t_start))) # IMP: In EpisodicLife env, during training, we get done=True at each loss of life, # not just at the terminal state. Thus, this is mean until end of life, not end of episode. # For true episode rewards, see the monitor files in the log folder. logger.record_tabular("mean_episode_length", episode_stats.mean_length()) logger.record_tabular("mean_episode_reward", episode_stats.mean_reward()) for name, val in zip(names_ops, values_ops): logger.record_tabular(name, float(val)) logger.dump_tabular() if self.replay_ratio > 0 and buffer.has_atleast(self.replay_start): samples_number = np.random.poisson(self.replay_ratio) for _ in range(samples_number): # get obs, actions, rewards, mus, dones from buffer. obs, actions, rewards, mus, dones, masks = buffer.get() # reshape stuff correctly obs = obs.reshape(runner.batch_ob_shape) actions = actions.reshape([runner.n_batch]) rewards = rewards.reshape([runner.n_batch]) mus = mus.reshape([runner.n_batch, runner.n_act]) dones = dones.reshape([runner.n_batch]) masks = masks.reshape([runner.batch_ob_shape[0]]) self._train_step(obs, actions, rewards, dones, mus, self.initial_state, masks, self.num_timesteps) self.num_timesteps += self.n_batch return self
[docs] def save(self, save_path, cloudpickle=False): data = { "gamma": self.gamma, "n_steps": self.n_steps, "q_coef": self.q_coef, "ent_coef": self.ent_coef, "max_grad_norm": self.max_grad_norm, "learning_rate": self.learning_rate, "lr_schedule": self.lr_schedule, "rprop_alpha": self.rprop_alpha, "rprop_epsilon": self.rprop_epsilon, "replay_ratio": self.replay_ratio, "replay_start": self.replay_start, "verbose": self.verbose, "policy": self.policy, "observation_space": self.observation_space, "action_space": self.action_space, "n_envs": self.n_envs, "_vectorize_action": self._vectorize_action, "policy_kwargs": self.policy_kwargs } params_to_save = self.get_parameters() self._save_to_file(save_path, data=data, params=params_to_save, cloudpickle=cloudpickle)
class _Runner(AbstractEnvRunner): def __init__(self, env, model, n_steps): """ A runner to learn the policy of an environment for a model :param env: (Gym environment) The environment to learn from :param model: (Model) The model to learn :param n_steps: (int) The number of steps to run for each environment """ super(_Runner, self).__init__(env=env, model=model, n_steps=n_steps) self.env = env self.model = model self.n_env = n_env = env.num_envs if isinstance(env.action_space, Discrete): self.n_act = env.action_space.n else: self.n_act = env.action_space.shape[-1] self.n_batch = n_env * n_steps if len(env.observation_space.shape) > 1: self.raw_pixels = True obs_height, obs_width, obs_num_channels = env.observation_space.shape self.batch_ob_shape = (n_env * (n_steps + 1), obs_height, obs_width, obs_num_channels) self.obs_dtype = np.uint8 self.obs = np.zeros((n_env, obs_height, obs_width, obs_num_channels), dtype=self.obs_dtype) self.num_channels = obs_num_channels else: if len(env.observation_space.shape) == 1: self.obs_dim = env.observation_space.shape[0] else: self.obs_dim = 1 self.raw_pixels = False if isinstance(self.env.observation_space, Discrete): self.batch_ob_shape = (n_env * (n_steps + 1),) else: self.batch_ob_shape = (n_env * (n_steps + 1), self.obs_dim) self.obs_dtype = np.float32 self.n_steps = n_steps self.states = model.initial_state self.dones = [False for _ in range(n_env)] def run(self): """ Run a step leaning of the model :return: ([float], [float], [float], [float], [float], [bool], [float]) encoded observation, observations, actions, rewards, mus, dones, masks """ enc_obs = [self.obs] mb_obs, mb_actions, mb_mus, mb_dones, mb_rewards = [], [], [], [], [] for _ in range(self.n_steps): actions, _, states, _ = self.model.step(self.obs, self.states, self.dones) mus = self.model.proba_step(self.obs, self.states, self.dones) mb_obs.append(np.copy(self.obs)) mb_actions.append(actions) mb_mus.append(mus) mb_dones.append(self.dones) clipped_actions = actions # Clip the actions to avoid out of bound error if isinstance(self.env.action_space, Box): clipped_actions = np.clip(actions, self.env.action_space.low, self.env.action_space.high) obs, rewards, dones, _ = self.env.step(clipped_actions) # states information for statefull models like LSTM self.states = states self.dones = dones self.obs = obs mb_rewards.append(rewards) enc_obs.append(obs) mb_obs.append(np.copy(self.obs)) mb_dones.append(self.dones) enc_obs = np.asarray(enc_obs, dtype=self.obs_dtype).swapaxes(1, 0) mb_obs = np.asarray(mb_obs, dtype=self.obs_dtype).swapaxes(1, 0) mb_actions = np.asarray(mb_actions, dtype=np.int32).swapaxes(1, 0) mb_rewards = np.asarray(mb_rewards, dtype=np.float32).swapaxes(1, 0) mb_mus = np.asarray(mb_mus, dtype=np.float32).swapaxes(1, 0) mb_dones = np.asarray(mb_dones, dtype=np.bool).swapaxes(1, 0) mb_masks = mb_dones # Used for statefull models like LSTM's to mask state when done mb_dones = mb_dones[:, 1:] # Used for calculating returns. The dones array is now aligned with rewards # shapes are now [nenv, nsteps, []] # When pulling from buffer, arrays will now be reshaped in place, preventing a deep copy. return enc_obs, mb_obs, mb_actions, mb_rewards, mb_mus, mb_dones, mb_masks