Source code for stable_baselines.common.schedules

"""This file is used for specifying various schedules that evolve over
time throughout the execution of the algorithm, such as:

 - learning rate for the optimizer
 - exploration epsilon for the epsilon greedy exploration strategy
 - beta parameter for beta parameter in prioritized replay

Each schedule has a function `value(t)` which returns the current value
of the parameter given the timestep t of the optimization procedure.

class Schedule(object):
    def value(self, step):
        Value of the schedule for a given timestep

        :param step: (int) the timestep
        :return: (float) the output value for the given timestep
        raise NotImplementedError

[docs]class ConstantSchedule(Schedule): """ Value remains constant over time. :param value: (float) Constant value of the schedule """ def __init__(self, value): self._value = value
[docs] def value(self, step): return self._value
[docs]def linear_interpolation(left, right, alpha): """ Linear interpolation between `left` and `right`. :param left: (float) left boundary :param right: (float) right boundary :param alpha: (float) coeff in [0, 1] :return: (float) """ return left + alpha * (right - left)
[docs]class PiecewiseSchedule(Schedule): """ Piecewise schedule. :param endpoints: ([(int, int)]) list of pairs `(time, value)` meaning that schedule should output `value` when `t==time`. All the values for time must be sorted in an increasing order. When t is between two times, e.g. `(time_a, value_a)` and `(time_b, value_b)`, such that `time_a <= t < time_b` then value outputs `interpolation(value_a, value_b, alpha)` where alpha is a fraction of time passed between `time_a` and `time_b` for time `t`. :param interpolation: (lambda (float, float, float): float) a function that takes value to the left and to the right of t according to the `endpoints`. Alpha is the fraction of distance from left endpoint to right endpoint that t has covered. See linear_interpolation for example. :param outside_value: (float) if the value is requested outside of all the intervals specified in `endpoints` this value is returned. If None then AssertionError is raised when outside value is requested. """ def __init__(self, endpoints, interpolation=linear_interpolation, outside_value=None): idxes = [e[0] for e in endpoints] assert idxes == sorted(idxes) self._interpolation = interpolation self._outside_value = outside_value self._endpoints = endpoints
[docs] def value(self, step): for (left_t, left), (right_t, right) in zip(self._endpoints[:-1], self._endpoints[1:]): if left_t <= step < right_t: alpha = float(step - left_t) / (right_t - left_t) return self._interpolation(left, right, alpha) # t does not belong to any of the pieces, so doom. assert self._outside_value is not None return self._outside_value
[docs]class LinearSchedule(Schedule): """ Linear interpolation between initial_p and final_p over schedule_timesteps. After this many timesteps pass final_p is returned. :param schedule_timesteps: (int) Number of timesteps for which to linearly anneal initial_p to final_p :param initial_p: (float) initial output value :param final_p: (float) final output value """ def __init__(self, schedule_timesteps, final_p, initial_p=1.0): self.schedule_timesteps = schedule_timesteps self.final_p = final_p self.initial_p = initial_p
[docs] def value(self, step): fraction = min(float(step) / self.schedule_timesteps, 1.0) return self.initial_p + fraction * (self.final_p - self.initial_p)